Repetitive Strain Injury - If every click hurts
First there is perhaps a slight pulling or tingling in the fingers, forearm, elbow or wrist if you have worked long on the PC. At some point the pain is one at the first click of the day, and in some cases ultimately hurts even the holding of the toothbrush. Mouse arm is called colloquially the symptoms that plagues many people who spend their time mostly at a computer. Repetitive strain injury syndrome (RSI) is the medical term - complaints that are caused by constant repetitive motion. At the Technical University of Darmstadt, a special therapy program was developed against this pain.
"The human arm is not set to the burden of, for example, six hours a day working with the computer mouse," says Dr. Christoph Eichhorn from the German Orthopaedic Association. "The wrist is bent upward, the fingers remain for hours in an unnatural posture dressed," said the doctor, "come to this, repetitive finger movements."
Always the same overload caused by small movements
At the Technical University of Darmstadt were measured in a study of muscle activity at the computer work. "It has been shown that already has seen a significant muscle tension in the forearm and the fingers when the hand is only on the mouse," says psychologist Kerstin wool. If you do then click small movements, it could cause tiny muscle fiber tears. By the bending of the wrist called the carpal tunnel additionally that, go through the tendons, ligaments and nerves, concentrated, so that the supply of the affected hand. The result: a sensation of numbness and tingling. But not only work with the mouse carries the risk of overuse of muscles and tendons. Even when typing on the keyboard or the touchpad are constantly running over a longer period, the same very small movements.
Often the pain is the mouse arm below the elbow. "The muscles that move the wrist and the finger up at the elbow. The tendon at the junction with bone inflammatory changes, "said orthopedic surgeon Dr. Eichhorn. Ultrasound can detect it in an irritation of the tissue. Sometimes it helps a cortisone injection that is given directly into the affected area. Ultrasound and electrical applications are designed to stimulate the healing of tissue. The doctor also prescribed physical therapy. Another treatment option is the shock wave therapy, says Dr. Eichhorn. If the pain does not improve, he advises, in rare cases to an operation in which the pain-conducting nerve is severed.
Not working does not help against Repetitive Strain Injury
That medical treatments alleviate the symptoms but not the mouse arm can often lies at the pain memory. "The pain occurs not only in the affected joint or finger, but he is learned," says Kerstin wool. "On the movements during typing and clicking is coupled to a certain time, a sensation of pain." This also explains why many have no complaints at all on vacation more, feel, after a short time working at the computer again but pain. The brain remembers, so to speak: these movements is a pain. "It must therefore take place a decoupling of pain and work on the PC," said Kerstin wool. And that could only happen in the workplace, which is the same if the pain has been generalized, so also in everyday life in motion with the other hand occurs. "Do not work does not help," says the psychologist.
Most importantly, we break through the routine. Occupational therapist Alexandra Bauer of Rockenhausen, which also treats many patients with RSI, can be bring photos from the workplace and advise their patients, as this can be ergonomically designed. Crucial is the use of different input devices as an alternative to the mouse, such as a vertical mouse, a touchpad or pen tablet.
15 different input devices to get to know the participants of the courses at the TU Darmstadt. It was important, however, said Kerstin wool that you carefully surrounded and constantly varied. Who, for example, the mouse from right to left, puts, but it works just as before, often has a short-term pain on the other side.
Insert after 20 minutes of computer work a mini-break
"Most of the participants of our courses from seven to nine hours per day on the PC, most people do after a minimum of one and a half hours the first break," says Kerstin wool, "this period is too long, because there is an overuse of muscles, ligaments , tendons and nerves, and it can cause micro injuries. " It recommends every twenty minutes, a short break of two to three minutes in which you stand up from work, moves, makes little exercises. Stretching and strengthening exercises in between also recommend Dr. Eichhorn and occupational therapist to prevent farmers already (see right).
"Breaks observed is difficult for many, but there are tools such as software, which is reminiscent of breaks." Moreover, one should be careful to make the work as varied as possible. Stress management, relaxation techniques and their own pain management are also topics of the courses at the TU Darmstadt. "There is not one remedy that helps," said Kerstin wool, "anyone can pick out from our program, what does it well." As a participant used instead of the electronic planner now again a paper calendar, and wears out and at a lectern, for another the exercises during the breaks are especially important. "We have found that patients who were very severely impaired, and even had a fear of disability, by four or five small changes today can work without pain," says the psychologist.
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