Consumption to happiness: the wish for kids
iPod & Co. to make children happy: In the 21 Century are the desires of our little ones from a little more extravagant than ever. Without a brand name clothes and trendy accessories technique, the kids feel neglected fast.
What do children need between eight and 15 years in their opinion, to be happy? The survey was one of London's charitable organization "The Children's Society" after. For this purpose were 5500 boys and girls asked their opinion of the essentials for a normal life.
Result: In order to adapt themselves and to feel "normal", the kids obviously need often only material goods Bob Ride Meier, CEO of "The Children's Society" to:. "Too often we take when trying to understand what it means to be poor the perspective of parents and ignore the children. "For the first time in the study would now be interviewed by the children themselves what they need," to lead a normal, happy life. "
Based on the survey, a must-have list of children and young people was created. Here, there was so Reitemeiter that young people were often absent at things like pocket money, or family outings.
Alone did not occur when two or more products and opportunities in the lives of young consumers, they are already "significantly more unhappy" than those whose desires are all fulfilled, according to the study. Did the kids without five or more of the must- haves live, they were even five times more likely on a "low level of well being".
The Top Ten Must-haves among adolescents reads as follows:
- Pocket money
- Money you can save each month
- A garden outside the house or a grassy area near
- At least one family vacation per year
- A personal MP3 player
- Monthly outings with family
- A pair of designer sneakers or brand
- Fashion, matching clothes
- A family car
- Cable or satellite TV at home
The pocket money the way it is, without the need to get by most children (37 percent) - and it can by its own account also lacks most (22 percent). Thus, the weekly or monthly cash injection is the most important must-have for the children.
According to the survey indicated these findings indicate that children enjoy a degree of (financial) independence. This is also suggested that the monthly extra penny for laying aside also high on the list. 18 percent of the children would like to pay something every month in piggy bank, but can not.
Also high up in the top ten family vacation (18 percent) and iPod (17 percent). Regular family outings with Mom, Dad & the Kids Co. are also a concern (15 percent).
Is that the MP3 player is the only product among the top five needs, evaluated a speaker of "The Children's Society" as a positive. "Everything is not materialistic," he quotes the British newspaper "Daily Mail" "There are many things as mentioned for example that one wants to spend more time playing with the family and. "
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