Motorola Xoom 4G

Motorola Xoom 4G, motorola xoom, 4G, phone, tablet xomm 4G
Motorola Xoom 4G: it will return the tablet

The tablet of Motorola, the Xoom, a tablet is compatible with the standard "4G" LTE or nearly ... Indeed, it will not be compatible at its output (within days) and it will take about 3 months to connect to Verizon's LTE network: it therefore expects the update to the month of May. More troubling, the first information indicates that the tablet will not be directly compatible with LTE and a record updating software but also hardware is required. In fact, it seems that Motorola will require a factory return the tablet to be compatible LTE, with a delay of six days announced for change that is - fortunately - free.

Technique rather cavalier, which is the area of ​​unacceptable professional users. With the lack of Flash technology - which ironically prevents users from browsing the official website of the shelf - one wonders if Motorola has no plans to launch its shelf a little too early to undercut the feet of its competitors. While neither the LTE nor Flash are present, the tablet loses some of its interest ...

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