Why Women Fake Orgasms

Study explains why women fake orgasms

The most common answer to the question of why women fake orgasms is usually based on the fact that seek to protect the fragile egos of the men into thinking they are satisfied sexually.

But a new study from Columbia University in New York, they would suggest that the real reason is quite different: they pretend to maintain the loyalty of his men.

Dr. Farnaz Kaighobadi, who led the research, ensures that women's main arguments for this are "to keep my partner interested in the relationship, avoid fleeing the relationship or looking for another woman."

The study results were published in the November issue of Archives of Sexual Behavior (Archives of sexual behavior), and to carry out 453 women were interviewed U.S. heterosexuals who maintained a long relationship.

The researchers found that 54% of women admitted to having faked an orgasm. In more specific data, it was revealed that the women who thought their partner could get away were more likely to pretend during sexual climax.

Even, these same women were more likely to have behavior to "keep her man", such as dressing provocatively or monitor their partners when they were away from home.

"Faking an orgasm may be part of a comprehensive strategy for retaining men than women have used for their romantic relationships," said Dr. Kaighobadi in an interview with CBS News.

The doctor suggests that the sexual climax pretend to keep close to the couple may be part of an evolutionary adaptation.

Previous studies suggested that when a woman has an orgasm, your body may retain more sperm to procreate. Evolutionary theory then suggests that unconsciously fake orgasm can help women to retain sperm from a man with "good genes", giving a greater chance of having a healthy child.

According to the study, women fake orgasms would use to let their partners know that "have selected" only to them. "This kind of manipulation is a strategy commonly used when the risk of infidelity by the partner is perceived as more", concluded the specialist.


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