SOPA "Blackout Day"

Sobar News,- Tomorrow, The Technology companies in USA take action Stop Online Pricacy Act (SOPA) with the name of SOPA Blackout Day. This action make 10 website decided to close together and the headline and at the beginning of each page clearly written, the attitude of these companies against U.S. law. Most violent action indicated by Wikipedia and Google. Both Action about SOPA get the better of Trending Topic in twitter.

Some of the trending topics on Twitter discussing about SOPA # stopSOPA, End Piracy, Not Liberty, and the Imagine A World Without Free Knowledge. Words Not End Piracy Liberty are words that Google released in protest at his website. While the words Imagine A World Without Free Knowledge is the words that brought Wikipedia in a statement on its website

If you open the home page, below the search engines will have a link labeled "Tell Congress: Please Do not Cencor The Web". If you click on the link, you will be entered into the Google page statement of protest against U.S. law.

Not only shows the attitude of protest, on the page, Google includes knowledge about the SOPA and PIPA, and include the names of technology companies, along with a link to download their respective statements in PDF format. There are 67 companies and communities that include a statement of its position in Google's PDF format uploaded on the page.

There are also quotes a statement that Google deliberately highlighted in this paper as follows:

"We are proud to be part of an industry that has been crucial to U.S. economic growth and job creation… We urge you not to risk either this success or the tremendous benefits the Internet has brought to hundreds of millions of Americans and people around the world."

Google, Facebook, Twitter, eBay, Zynga, LinkedIn, Mozilla, AOL, Yahoo!

ask for Wikipedia, directly to post about the knowledge of SOPA and PIPA in the following pages. This page can be accessed from the home page Wikipedia which are closed during the protests took place. In this new post, Wikipedia also mentions, that based on data as of January 18, 2012, Google detects the 3740 article that discusses the SOPA from around the world. Wikipedia link some of which include the article from the National Post, BBC, Al Jazeera, the Los Angeles Times, BusinessWeek, Politico, MSNBC, Guardian, New Statesman, CNN, Hindustan Times, and CBS News.

Until this news was written, the World Trending Topic on Twitter with three key words are slowly rising to the top, from the initial appearance that just positions of ten, seven, and three, from 10 Trending Twitter Topic World provided.


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