Today, all the media presents countless diets and tips to improve nutrition, health and physical appearance.
But achieving a balanced regime is not as difficult as it seems, says a research team. Experts from the National Health Service United States contends that eating the right amount of foods from all food groups is a good way to ensure a balanced diet and pleasant.
This issue is very important today given the growing epidemic of obesity, which the World Health Organization affects 300 million people worldwide. The institution estimates that 2.6 million people die each year because of obesity or overweight, two diseases that are detected in both the developed and the developing world.
In order to improve nutrition and prevent obesity, experts refuted five myths that seem to attack a good way to eat.
* To start, the scientists explained that foods labeled "low fat" are not necessarily healthy. Such foods have less fat than the equivalent common, but that does not mean they have little fat.
For example, a low fat cake Like to contain a significant amount of calories.
* Too often people believe that avoiding carbohydrates helps maintain a good weight, but in reality the food like rice, pasta, bread and potatoes should occupy 30% of what each one eats.
* A little turn is associated with eating a healthy diet, but experts stressed that the basis of good food is in the range and in the right proportions.
Eating too much fat, sugar and salt and set aside the fruits, vegetables and fiber is far from adequate.
* Nor is it true that all fat is equal, as are quite dangerous saturated while the unsaturated bring several benefits. Saturated fats, found for example in cakes, cheese, cream and cookies, increase the level of cholesterol and the risk of heart problems. On the other hand, saturated fat, as they bring the fish oils, sunflower and olive oils, they help lower cholesterol and provide essential nutrients.
* Finally, doctors stressed that not add salt to your food does not mean one is not consuming salt. This is because 75% of the salt that incorporates every person is in the foods you buy and not the salt added.
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