Jogging in The Right Running Shoe - Cushioning and Support

Jogging in the right running shoe - cushioning and support, Adieu!

Running Shoes

Soft cushioned running may be pleasant. Especially, if jogging is operated in the city, where the ground is hard. Meanwhile, after several studies, however, evidence that the soft shoe to the foot, especially the ankle, more likely to impair.

The creation of a soft-cushioned running shoe rested on two assumptions: that shocks incurred while running lead to injuries and that a shoe could prevent this. "The development of shoes with thick soles based on two assumptions for which there was no evidence," Prof. Gert-Peter Brueggemann says of the German Sports University in Cologne.

"Cushioning and support did not work"

Even the attempt to prevent the buckling by increasing the inside of the shoe, have not had a positive effect. "The vulnerability of runners had not changed," says the head of the Institute of Biomechanics and Orthopaedics. This included athletes who regularly more than 30 kilometers run per week. Amazingly, it made no difference in the violation, whether the runners were running on asphalt or soft ground, the biomechanics expert. "Cushioning and support have not worked," reports Prof. Brüggemann.

Freedom for the foot

This was followed by a sobering recollection: "Let but the joints move naturally," as formulated by the sports scientist. That's the philosophy behind the running shoe, which is referred to by experts as the minimum functional shoe or boot. This has less to boot, however, some peculiarities: the running shoe should be soft, but not subdued. Flexibility is the magic word that applies especially to the new sole, which is to be movable in the longitudinal axis so that the natural rotation of the front and back foot is possible. Run is mostly on the Full Foot. The extreme heel run is as passé as the thick sole. The upper of the shoe should be stable, so the foot does not slip off the side. "A general sports shoe usually offers less possibility that the foot can roll well," says Prof. Brüggemann.

Knee too much strain

Last, a U.S. study gave further evidence that the joints in soft running shoes even more heavily loaded than if you would run barefoot. Researchers at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville had examined athletes with shoes and barefoot on a treadmill. An explanation of Sports Medicine is the observation that runners are running in cushioned shoes most intensively on the heel. This makes the knee stronger burden, they say, and it also slows down the pace. For in the case consists of foot to well before the body. Will run through Central and forefoot, the body axis remains straight and the runner takes the quasi-momentum with the next step. This applies primarily for shorter distances. The feet are natural shock absorbers. Intercept is also the step of the leg muscles. If so sore muscles or tendons, helps not necessarily a softer boot, but better training or, in case of overload, take a break. Much attention is the placement of the foot. It is crucial for the prints running style and pace. Strong imprints which should be supported by the hips, pushes the slider virtually to the front. The rear leg is stretched to length. This results in large steps, without that touches the front foot far in front of the torso.

Determined movement of the foot sole

Researchers are studying for quite some time, like a shod foot should roll perfectly. Thus, the hamstrings are too heavily loaded, when it is unrolled with the wrong shoe on the heel. Or ligaments are stressed too strongly, when the foot is not on the outer edge touches, but at each step strongly inward buckling. A certain degree of attenuation is the Achilles tendon at a hard surface only makes sense if it is not too soft and not too high. Otherwise threaten the running to become spongy with negative consequences for the thickest tendon in the body, then into the wobble and thus comes under increasing strain. Also noted sports physician that contract muscles to just catch the vibrations that are caused by too extreme padding only. A work of the muscles so that really uncharacteristically when running is only power and costs.

The condition of the shoe sole will decide whether the foot rolls well and the body weight is moved so easily, or if it presses on the foot and dull these maltreated. Some plastic materials are too hard with time. The flexible shoe on the other hand will allow natural movement. Disorders of the foot, however, should be more balanced with special deposits from the perspective of orthopedists.


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