Vitamin C: RDA Controversial

Vitamin C: RDA controversial

Ascorbic acid

Savoy cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, and red and white cabbage are typical autumn and winter vegetables. As a side dish or hearty stews in the winter, they provide also for warmth. They are also the "green stuff" in the most vitamin C lies - about 50-150 milligrams per 100 grams (By comparison, potato 17 mg, 12 mg of apple, Banane12 mg) can be cooked with cabbage, the vitamin C daily requirement of the body supposedly cover. Boiled cabbage contains vitamin C, said even more than in its raw state, now the German Press Agency fruits and vegetables. However, it should not be cooked too long. In this case, the vitamin would be destroyed after all.

Daily requirement of vitamin C remains controversial

Scientists discuss very controversial, however the daily requirement of vitamin C. To date, it could not be agreed. The German Society for Nutrition has been established with their counterpart, Swiss and Austrian companies on a recommendation: 100 milligrams is the RDA for an adult aged 25 to 51 years. Smoking should increase their dose to 150 milligrams, 110 milligrams to about pregnant women.

Opinions diverge on vitamin C

Opinions vary on the amount of revenue, however, go very far apart. Some health experts recommend consuming only a fraction of it, others postulate again several times. There is no doubt that vitamin C makes the good health services. It was discovered because a remedy has been sought from the deficiency disease scurvy, especially once the seized sailors. Remedy could make sauerkraut and citrus fruits. But it took more than a century to Albert von Szent-Györgyi Nagyrápol could isolate the vitamin C in 1927.

Ascorbic acid estimated as a radical scavenger

The substance - also known as ascorbic acid - is used primarily as a "scavenger" estimated. With the complex metabolic processes in the human body caused aggressive intermediates, the "free radicals". You can highly concentrated proteins, cell membranes and genetic material to attack the body and cause harm. Man has developed over so-called antioxidant defenses against it. You can neutralize free radicals. It acts as an important free radical scavenger, vitamin C, which protects us as against serious diseases. The vitamin C is therefore of great importance for an intact immune system.

Important role in coping with stress

It has also taken part in many other processes, for example, to cope with stress. The vitamin C for strong nerves, concentration and influences the formation of collagen and connective tissue. Could be a lingering rumor that vitamin C prevent colds or even sell. This agrees very limited. Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize, had in the 70s called upon to take 1000 milligrams of vitamin C daily to prevent colds. He has since been disproved.

Study refutes protective effect against colds

A study of more than 10 (000 individuals has shown that a daily dose of vitamin C could protect against colds, too, a faster recovery was not at a daily dose of 200 milligrams possible however unearthed the study, a surprising result:.. People with fewer Stress was after regular intake reduce their cold risk something. Australian and Finnish researchers to their studies concluded that the benefits of vitamin C are so small that one on the regular use waive all could. They had found that the cold period at adults compared to the placebo test group of eight, could be reduced in children by 13.6 percent.

Vitamin C helpful in extreme cold

Only human beings - in the opinion of the scientist Robert Douglas and Harri Hemilä - the extreme cold were delivered or are under physical stress, should take vitamin C regularly. Because in marathon runners and skiers a slight preventive effect against colds by vitamin C was detected. Consensus among scientists about the fact that the vitamin C supply in Central Europe is good. A healthy person, the risks such as stress, environmental toxins, nicotine and alcohol, and avoiding a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables nourish need, a lack of vitamin C should not be feared.


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