Lady Gaga : Madonna says she started the song 'Express Yourself'

Do we have a beer diva cat fight?

Madonna remained strangely silent about the allegations that almost universally that Lady Gaga kicked off the 1989 hit, "Express Yourself" describes her gay song "Born This Way", performed at the MTV Video Music Awards in August.

Now, in an interview with Newsweek, Madonna broke the silence.

"I think this is a wonderful way to get my songs (" Express Yourself ") mean., I realized the chord changes I think it's ... interesting .."

When Gaga has just launched in February, the similarities are so striking, "Express Yourself" became a trending topic on Twitter.

"Just heard a clip from 'Born This Way' Lady Gaga and I must say ... a lot like" Express Yourself "Madonna," wrote Chris Daughtry on February 11. "Good Good A lotta peeps say the same thing so maybe I'm not going to get a scoop for coals :....) I thought I was crazy for a second, and by the way ... I will not follow the New Haven had not even heard all of it. .. it's my first impression. "

A fan posted a video on YouTube, comparing Madonna's "Express Yourself" video for Lady Gaga VMAs performance side by side. Some commentators noted that even Gaga Madonna wearing hair styles in the video, "not a coincidence that Gaga compared with the queen of pop more than other women artists in the past," wrote one fan. "Gaga Madonna following in the footsteps That's more than obvious .. Anyone could see."

Even Madonna's brother Chris Ciccone, intervene in the dispute. "They should have realized, one should realize that these songs are so very similar," said Ciccone E! The news. "They should have done or at least, he said, 'Change." "I was like," "Express Yourself," wow. "That's not a direct copy, but more like the songs of every song I've heard before."


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