They found a large botnet campaign to make Latin America

Sobar News,- A security company ESET Lationamérica-issued a warning over a wide operation dedicated to assembling a Bootnet.

According to security experts, "is to spread malicious code distributed through Facebook and Windows Live Messenger, to build a bran bootnet dedicated to conduct phishing attacks against banks in the region."

After settling the PC, "it turns out malware infected computers part of botnet networks and steal data users to access social networks Win32/Dorkbot It is a further spread of malicious code during the past. 6 months in Latin America, which also makes phishing attacks against banks banks in the region. "


According to a report from the Laboratory of ESET Latin America, the distribution of malware begins with a simple message of social engineering that arouse curiosity and encourage users to click on the link, thus leading to download a malicious executable file.

In this case, cyber criminals are allegedly used as a trap photo of Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, in suffering. In the previous campaign attacks that use this message related to singer Jennifer Lopez pictures to spread malicious code the same.


From the moment the system is infected, the computer becomes part of a botnet and waiting for orders. Among the capabilities of this malware is also the theft of credentials from Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, Twitter and PayPal, among other online services.

Remote commands sent to each member of the zombie computer networks would allow attackers to define the message to spread threats through this service. So, when the infected system to connect to sites like Facebook or Windows Live Messenger, send an email to all contacts from users with links to malicious code, so continue the cycle of propagation.


In addition, to infection, the malware also download a list of URLs with five banks in Chile and Peru six banks, so that every time a user connects to this domain will send them home banking access key for cybercrime.

"These attacks highlight what we anticipated in our report, Trends 2012: The use of social engineering strategy will continue to rise and the center of many attacks are theft of information, the more valuable assets," said Sebastian Bortnik, Awareness and Research Coordinator ESET Latin America.


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